Currently taking referrals for young people in Fife

Inspiring Young Futures is a service of outdoor learning and development for young people in Scotland. It encourages them to think about what they would like to achieve and helps them work towards their goals.

The service offers regular community-based outreach support wrapped around a Wilderness Journey usually in the highlands of Scotland. Through intensive learning and personal development individuals will consolidate their new skills, boost confidence, motivation and aspirations.

Our service tackles youth unemployment in Scotland, closes the employment gap and improves mental health for young people. Young people develop skills in the outdoors by adapting to their new environment and going out of their comfort zone. They have the potential to build skills around problem solving, decision making, critical thinking, conflict resolution and much more. If you're working with young people, we want to encourage you to think about how outdoor learning could give them the tools to reach their potential.

Inspiring Young Futures is designed for young people aged 16-25, struggling with a range of challenging circumstances:

  • care-experienced background
  • involvement in offending / anti-social behaviour
  • history of substance misuse
  • homelessness
  • low academic achievement
  • fragmented family relationships
  • early stage social work involvement

Our services provide support for up to 6-9 months helping individuals to make and sustain connections to services and employment, education, training or volunteering opportunities within their communities.

Note: Venture Trust does not currently work with registered sex offenders or those subject to Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA).

Key information

Age range:  16-25

Location:  Fife

Who it's for:Young people experiencing challenging life circumstances, who want to make positive life changes. 

How to refer

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