2022-23 Impact Report

Impact publications
2022-23 has seen our first full year of delivery since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. So it’s the ideal time to take stock of the personal journeys our participants have gone on with us and what we’ve accomplished together.

Seeing the positive changes in our participants is the most rewarding part of what we do. We believe that the impact of our work is best described through their stories, where they have come from, what they have been up against and what they’ve achieved during their time with us.

This year’s Impact Report draws on a wide range of these experiences and tries to bring to life the work of Venture Trust and the lives of those who have worked with us.

Venture Trust is all about personal growth, so we’re glad to share that many of our participants have achieved positive outcomes. From entering employment, education, training, volunteering and work experience to some more personal but nonetheless life-changing milestones like improving their confidence, mental and physical wellbeing and personal relationships, we’re so proud of the many different journeys our participants have traversed.

Read our 2022-23 Impact Report

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