We equip people to be ‘job ready’, able to access mainstream support, open to further learning and more able to sustain employment. Our employability service supports participants to build aspiration, motivation and self-confidence while developing key employability skills. The service is for young people and adults who are not in work, education or training, facing long term unemployment and disadvantage or potentially at risk of (re-)offending or anti-social behaviour.   

Through our employability programmes we support young people to work on core employability skills such as CV writing, interview techniques, IT skills, and they gain accredited SQA and other qualifications.

Note: Venture Trust does not currently work with registered sex offenders or those subject to Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA).

Venture Trust is committed to protecting the rights of the child - as outlined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Read our Children's Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment here.

Our employability services

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Cashback Green Futures

An employability service for young people in Scotland struggling with long-term unemployment. Our service is tackling youth unemployment by building aspiration, motivation and self-confidence while developing key employability skills.

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